Here is some photos of where we walked through a canyon next to a river that runs out of a mountain. This was a beautiful walk, all very green which is a contrast to the rest of the landscape here. The top images are of Selime montastry which is gigantic. There is a church, chapel, confessional, watch tower
and other rooms too. Great views from the top too. This day we also went to the Onyx museum and learnt where Turquoise got its name: it means Turkish gold.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Chillin in the Underground City
This is an underground city that was built so the people here could hide if they were attacked. It goes down for eight floors
and all the paths are very little and windy. It was a lot of fun, they even have stables for animals. It can house up to 3000 people but Ben wouldnt be one of them cos he got claustraphobic. It was fine though because it is all really well ventilated and the temperature is stable between 11 and 16 degrees all the time (the 2nd and 3rd phots are of air vents). The top pic is of the school where beth.B taught Beth.M some interesting life skills.
Rose Valley
This day we made a picnic lunch and set off, after a scrumpious brekky to explore the Rose Valley. First we went to the open Air Musem and had a look at some churches that were carved into the rock formations that were a result of volcanic activity and erosion. These were made from the 5th to 11th century. They painted religious scenes on them in the 9th and 10th centuries. After that we walked on little trails through the valleys. Its just nuts. Here is Ben with his two wives, around town he is known as "lucky boy" or "rich man". hehe
Cappadocia, Goreme
holy mac took an over night bus here, 13 long long hours, but so glad we did. Have ended up spending almost a week here because it is just incredible here. The landscape is enough to keep you fascinated for a very long time, but the town, Goreme, is very relaxed and the people are very friendly. Have had tea with nearly the whole town now. This is our fave restaurant and the man who works there. We had pottery kebabs the other night, oh the brilliance of it all. They cook meat or veggies in a clay pot in a fire, then you crack it open and the stew bubbles over. It is delicious, as is the beer.
Also some crazy trees, the blue eyes ward off evil and pots just look rad.
Kusadasi, Turkey
Woot we made it to Turkey via a few rocky ferries and a few lovely Greek islands. Here we are in Kusadasi on the coast of Turkey. Explored around Ephesus, ancient city, which was great, especially when there was a reinactment of the Roman Empire and a gladiator battle. We also had a great Turkish feast and went to an awesome rug shop where we learnt how to identify the genuines from the pretenders! Have fallen in love with the rugs here.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Had a weekend ın Athens. Ate as many Gyros as we could (kınd of lıke a kebab,thanks for the tıp Dabıd). Went to the Acropolıs, whıch was crazy and hot. Amazıng vıews from there. Also went to the flea markets and sampled our fırst frappe (coffee shacken wıth ıce so ıts frothy). saw the changıng of the guard (hehe they have funny clothes).
Sooooo many stray dogs around too, well not stray coz they belong to Athens.
The Vatıcan
On the way to the Vatıcan Ben found hıs long lost Brother, Matt from Brısbane. ıt was a great reunıon. Then we were overwhelmed by the brıllıance that ıs the Sıstıne chapel. Got sore necks from starıng up so much. Also saw some great paıntıngs just before you enter the chapel. Couldnt take photos ın there though. Struth there were a lot of people.
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